

Version Published Date Language File Size Download
v3.0b 2016.07.25 English 2MB

Introduction Guide Download

Version Published Date Language File Size Download
Bundle CenOS3.0 2016.05.26 English 1.85MB
Bundle CenOS4.0 2016.05.26 English 3.96MB
Bundle CenOS5.0 2016.10.11 English 2.05MB

QIG Download

Version Published Date Language File Size Download
v1.0a 2013.02.18 English 1.21 MB

QSG Download

Version Published Date Language File Size Download
v1.0a 2016.02.22 English 1.45MB

User Manual

Version Published Date Language File Size Download
CenOS3.0 v1.0a 2016.05.03 English 3.02MB
CenOS5.0 v1.1ED 2016.11.09 English 4.95MB

Cerio CWMS- Centralized APs management software Introduction Guide ( Only for CenOS3.0 Software System )

Version Published Date Language File Size Download
CWMS 2015.07.20 English 1.10MB

Firmware Download

Version Published Date Language File Size Download
CenOS3.0 / v1.1.12 2017.10.26 English / Chines 5.77MB zip
CenOS5.0 / v1.0.5 2017.10.26 English / Chines 6.12MB zip

Different software core generations (e.g. CenOS 3.0 / 4.0 / 5.0) support different software functionality. Please enter the device’s software user interface and “Reset to Factory Default” before attempting to upgrade to different generation software cores.


1. To prevent data loss during firmware upgrade, please back up current settings before proceeding

2. Do not interrupt during firmware upgrade including power on/off as this may damage system.

3. For better firmware upgrade reliability, use a direct ethernet connection instead of Wi-Fi.

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